Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Out Dated

It has been a ridiculously long time since I posted anything. No excuse; just not remembering to! A few things have happened that I can recall.

I succeeded in receiving my AFCA signature status with the Federation of Canadian Artists. This was a 5-year plan that resolved in about two years. Before you can even apply, you have to have been juried into 8 shows a the Federation gallery within the past four years; I managed to get into my eighth show after just two years, so I thought I'd go for it, and was successful. Since that time, I have been in a few more shows - Landscapes, Works on Paper, the Open Print Show (which was open to non-Federation artists as well), and currently the Summer Gallery (on until August 19, 2007). I have been in a couple of non-Federation shows as well: Lessedra Gallery in Bulgaria hosts an international print exhibition every year, which I was accepted into, and the Fort Gallery in Fort Langley hosted a juried show (777) which I was also accepted to participate in.

We've been making our monthly pilgrimages to Vancouver Island. Mom has a brilliant veggie garden this year that has been keeping her on her toes.

Dad & Judy now have two ducks, two geese, three pigs, five horses (one rented just for the summer) and I don't know how many sheep, probably three or so. Judy and Dad each came down on separate occasions to the Coast for a visit. Dad even made it over to the Island with us last month, and got to see Mom's garden.


Dave has ripped out our bathroom upstairs and is in the slow progress of putting it back together. We've been traipsing up and down the stairs outside to get to our basement which has a full bath, luckily, but just slightly inconveniently. As you can see, it's got a long way to go still. Dave is currently working on getting some drywall up between the bathroom and the hallway, so at the very least, we'll have a little privacy option!