When Mom first moved back to Cobble Hill a few years ago, the property hadn't had any active gardening, at least not from the vegetable raising perspective, for a number of years.
In the first summer when Mom first arrived, we didn't get much done other than a patch of potatoes dug. It looked like a couple of graves in the lawn! And, somewhat surprisingly, the deer had chewed the new potato leaves to the ground. But we did manage to get potatoes that year, and we figured that in order for any edible food to be grown, we needed a deer fence.
So we had lawn to remove, and fencing to put up to keep the deer out. I realized recently that I haven't got any posts showing the progress from grass to garden, so I'd like to remedy that now.
We moved our dwarf heritage apple trees and some blueberries from Burnaby over to Cobble Hill and installed them in the Kitchen Garden, and built some raised beds in the next year:

And while it wasn't the first year we grew tomatillos, it was certainly a bumper crop year (which has been repeated pretty regularly since):
So we keep getting a little better every year, and try new things to grow. In 2009 we had pretty much all of the Kitchen Garden under production, with chick peas (garbanzo beans), shelling and snap peas, tomatillos, brocolli, kohlrabi, carrots, beets, Chinese greens, and of course the odd left over spud from years before poking through.
Our tomatoes, peppers and ground cherries were moved out to the new greenhouse and we tried our hand at "Early Dew" melons and pickling cucumbers there, too.

And we grew a number of squash varieties and some lemon cucumbers, along with dried beans, out in the newly enclosed Orchard, which I don't seem to have photos of right now.
This year, we've done even more - I'll post photos in a while!
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